Este Grupo pretende ser un foro abierto para compartir experiencias, dificultades y soluciones relacionadas con la aplicación del recientemente publicado "Real Decreto" por el que se regula la indicac...
Este Grupo pretende ser un foro abierto para compartir experiencias, dificultades y soluciones relacionadas con la aplicación del recientemente publicado "Real Decreto" por el que se regula la indicación, uso y autorización de dispensación de medicamentos y productos sanitarios de uso
humano por parte de los enfermeros. ...Lo que llamamos "PRESCRIPCIÓN ENFERMERA.
Se pretende que el perfil de los contenidos bajo este epígrafe sea lo amplio posible, Con un interés especial en todo lo referente a la atención en domicilio, y en concreto a la prescripción a pacientes geriátricos.
humano por parte de los enfermeros. ...Lo que llamamos "PRESCRIPCIÓN ENFERMERA.
Se pretende que el perfil de los contenidos bajo este epígrafe sea lo amplio posible, Con un interés especial en todo lo referente a la atención en domicilio, y en concreto a la prescripción a pacientes geriátricos.
Delivering quality person-centered care: what do we mean?
Delivering care of good quality is essential for the wellbeing and dignity of those in need of such care. Good care is associated with the ability to address the individual needs of the person, and to...
Delivering care of good quality is essential for the wellbeing and dignity of those in need of such care. Good care is associated with the ability to address the individual needs of the person, and to the integration and full coordination of all services involved in delivering the services.
Assumptions and prejudices affect, however, the ability of professionals to deliver such care. Underlying ageist attitudes - prejudices towards people of a different age range - and lack of training around the delivery of person-centeredness and the respect of the dignity of older people result in poor quality services unable to enable a dignified living.
This group will discuss what is a quality, person-centered care service, how to define it precisely, and how to implement such quality care in practice.
Discussions will take, as make reference, the European Quality Framework for long-term care services, a voluntary reference led by AGE Platform Europe:
Assumptions and prejudices affect, however, the ability of professionals to deliver such care. Underlying ageist attitudes - prejudices towards people of a different age range - and lack of training around the delivery of person-centeredness and the respect of the dignity of older people result in poor quality services unable to enable a dignified living.
This group will discuss what is a quality, person-centered care service, how to define it precisely, and how to implement such quality care in practice.
Discussions will take, as make reference, the European Quality Framework for long-term care services, a voluntary reference led by AGE Platform Europe:
Preventing and addressing maltreatment in care for older people
Abuse, violence and neglect of older persons are widespread realities across Europe. And often such acts take place in care settings.
There are two main reasons. On the one hand, professionals may ...
Abuse, violence and neglect of older persons are widespread realities across Europe. And often such acts take place in care settings.
There are two main reasons. On the one hand, professionals may ignore how to treat with dignity people in need of care, and have themselves prejudices about the needs and realities of older people needing care. On the other, professionals are often overburdened and may not have the conditions that allow them to deliver quality care.
This group will discuss how, concretely, care professionals can prevent acts of maltreatment; it will also discuss how, in case they maltreat or whitness maltreatment, they can react to stop such acts and ensure older persons who have suffered them can receive the support they need.
There are two main reasons. On the one hand, professionals may ignore how to treat with dignity people in need of care, and have themselves prejudices about the needs and realities of older people needing care. On the other, professionals are often overburdened and may not have the conditions that allow them to deliver quality care.
This group will discuss how, concretely, care professionals can prevent acts of maltreatment; it will also discuss how, in case they maltreat or whitness maltreatment, they can react to stop such acts and ensure older persons who have suffered them can receive the support they need.
Intervento multidisciplinare nell'assistenza domiciliare in Italia
Questo gruppo è indirizzato a professionisti attenti agli aspetti dell'assistenza domiciliare, in particolare alla figura dell'operatore sociosanitario in un'ottica di valorizzazione e accrescimento d...
Questo gruppo è indirizzato a professionisti attenti agli aspetti dell'assistenza domiciliare, in particolare alla figura dell'operatore sociosanitario in un'ottica di valorizzazione e accrescimento di competenze.
La finalità del gruppo è quella di creare un'occasione di confronto sulle tematiche cliniche, sociali e logistiche dei servizi territoriali in ambito domiciliare.
La finalità del gruppo è quella di creare un'occasione di confronto sulle tematiche cliniche, sociali e logistiche dei servizi territoriali in ambito domiciliare.
Practical nurses Finland - Lähihoitajat
Tervetuloa keskustelemaan kotihoidosta! Ryhmä on tarkoitettu kotihoidon työntekijöille ajatusten vaihtoon. Voit kysyä, kommentoida ja jakaa tuntojasi sekä kertoa hyvistä ratkaisuista, jotka ovat autta...
Tervetuloa keskustelemaan kotihoidosta! Ryhmä on tarkoitettu kotihoidon työntekijöille ajatusten vaihtoon. Voit kysyä, kommentoida ja jakaa tuntojasi sekä kertoa hyvistä ratkaisuista, jotka ovat auttaneet kotihoidon työssä.
Professional tools: hints for useful devices, ict and evaluation tools.
This group give the opportunity to require and share any tools that can be used in clinical practice in home care.
It includes 3 discussion sections dedicated to:
1 Information and communication tec...
This group give the opportunity to require and share any tools that can be used in clinical practice in home care.
It includes 3 discussion sections dedicated to:
1 Information and communication tecnologies
2 devices
3 evaluation tolls
It includes 3 discussion sections dedicated to:
1 Information and communication tecnologies
2 devices
3 evaluation tolls
Clinical cases in homecare: experiences and hints
This group gives the opportunity to the home care staff to share their experiences, doubts, and suggestions on real clinical cases. Please remind that the clinical case should not include any referenc...
This group gives the opportunity to the home care staff to share their experiences, doubts, and suggestions on real clinical cases. Please remind that the clinical case should not include any references to specific persons and that should respect the privacy of the patients.
Caress International
This is group for dissemination and discussion about CARESS project outcomes. The main SCOPE of CARESS project is to overcome a skill gap in the field of elderly homecare, i.e. overcoming the mismatc...
This is group for dissemination and discussion about CARESS project outcomes. The main SCOPE of CARESS project is to overcome a skill gap in the field of elderly homecare, i.e. overcoming the mismatch between the skills being asked for by elderly and their families and those being offered by national health systems, private care institutions and Home Health Care Practitioners (HHCPs). Information gathered through the initial analysis of the context will be organized and systematized in a EU framework for VET in the field of homecare. The three national pilots was designed and implemented in Italy, Spain and Finland. You can find also CARESS Transversial moduls in English.
Intervención multidisciplinar en el cuidado en domicilio
El objetivo de este grupo es aportar información, creando un medio de difusión y debate entre diferentes tipos de profesionales que pueden intervenir para cuidado en domicilio.
Se pretende que cad...
El objetivo de este grupo es aportar información, creando un medio de difusión y debate entre diferentes tipos de profesionales que pueden intervenir para cuidado en domicilio.
Se pretende que cada profesional aporte información pertinente a su rama que pueda ser de utilidad y enriquecer al resto de grupo.
Con cada discusión que se trate, se pretende enfocar el tema fomentando:
-Aspectos de seguridad para la persona.
-Aspectos de dignidad.
-Aspectos relacionados con el empoderamiento del paciente y familia.
-Atención especial al apoyo informal (familia, vecinos..)
Pretendemos que la información que cada participante comparta, independientemente de la especialidad que tenga, pueda enriquecer el conocimiento del resto de miembros.
Se pretende que cada profesional aporte información pertinente a su rama que pueda ser de utilidad y enriquecer al resto de grupo.
Con cada discusión que se trate, se pretende enfocar el tema fomentando:
-Aspectos de seguridad para la persona.
-Aspectos de dignidad.
-Aspectos relacionados con el empoderamiento del paciente y familia.
-Atención especial al apoyo informal (familia, vecinos..)
Pretendemos que la información que cada participante comparta, independientemente de la especialidad que tenga, pueda enriquecer el conocimiento del resto de miembros.
Fisioterapisti e Cure Domiciliari
Questo gruppo ospita inizative, buone practiche, documenti, contatti e collaborazioni tra fisioterapisti interessati alle Cure Domiciliari. E' un gruppo aperto: iscriviti!
Questo gruppo nasce per ospitare ogni iniziativa di interazione o collaborazione all'interno del gruppo di studenti iscritti al Master "Riabilitazione domiciliare e a distanza supportata dalle tecnolo...
Questo gruppo nasce per ospitare ogni iniziativa di interazione o collaborazione all'interno del gruppo di studenti iscritti al Master "Riabilitazione domiciliare e a distanza supportata dalle tecnologie"
Implicación de la familia en los cuidados enfermeros
Este grupo tiene como objetivo debatir sobre la implicación o no de la familia de los pacientes en los planes de cuidados de enfermería al ser ellos su principal cuidador en el domicilio.
Comunicación con la familia en el final de la vida
Este grupo pretende ser un punto de unión de diferentes opiniones y recursos para ayudar a los familiares a afrontar el duelo tras la perdida de un ser querido. Es interesante también hablar de cómo s...
Este grupo pretende ser un punto de unión de diferentes opiniones y recursos para ayudar a los familiares a afrontar el duelo tras la perdida de un ser querido. Es interesante también hablar de cómo s puede tratar el duelo con los niños.
Holistic approach to prevention and rehabilitation
Thematic Group created to discuss about all of the meaningful dimensions of older adults health status (biological, social, psychological) in an holistic approach to prevention and rehabilitation.
Communication and interaction with the older adult and his/her family
Thematic group created to discuss about the importance of the quality of the communication /interaction with the older adult and his/her family and the main elements which affect this quality, taking ...
Thematic group created to discuss about the importance of the quality of the communication /interaction with the older adult and his/her family and the main elements which affect this quality, taking into consideration multicultural issues, ethics, the need to educate healthy behaviors, etc.
Finnish CARESS pilot - Lähihoitaja
Tässä ryhmässä voit jakaa kokemuksiasi ja näkemyksiäsi käytännön hoitotyöstä
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