Professional tools: hints for useful devices, ict and evaluation tools.
This group give the opportunity to require and share any tools that can be used in clinical practice in home care.
It includes 3 discussion sections dedicated to:
1 Information and communication tec...
This group give the opportunity to require and share any tools that can be used in clinical practice in home care.
It includes 3 discussion sections dedicated to:
1 Information and communication tecnologies
2 devices
3 evaluation tolls
It includes 3 discussion sections dedicated to:
1 Information and communication tecnologies
2 devices
3 evaluation tolls
Clinical cases in homecare: experiences and hints
This group gives the opportunity to the home care staff to share their experiences, doubts, and suggestions on real clinical cases. Please remind that the clinical case should not include any referenc...
This group gives the opportunity to the home care staff to share their experiences, doubts, and suggestions on real clinical cases. Please remind that the clinical case should not include any references to specific persons and that should respect the privacy of the patients.
Fisioterapisti e Cure Domiciliari
Questo gruppo ospita inizative, buone practiche, documenti, contatti e collaborazioni tra fisioterapisti interessati alle Cure Domiciliari. E' un gruppo aperto: iscriviti!
Questo gruppo nasce per ospitare ogni iniziativa di interazione o collaborazione all'interno del gruppo di studenti iscritti al Master "Riabilitazione domiciliare e a distanza supportata dalle tecnolo...
Questo gruppo nasce per ospitare ogni iniziativa di interazione o collaborazione all'interno del gruppo di studenti iscritti al Master "Riabilitazione domiciliare e a distanza supportata dalle tecnologie"
There are no groups created by this user.